Michael Eichberg
August 2024
Vertical Titles
Add the class vertical-title to rotate the title and to change the layout of the slide to a column-based layout. To get back to a row based layout add a container with the class width-100.
.. class:: vertical-title
<Slide Title>
.. container:: width-100
<Row based content layout.>
Slide Tweaks
Slide without Title
To hide the title of a slide assign the class no-title.
Smaller Slide Titles
Use the class smaller-slide-title`.
Vertically Centered Content
Use the class center-child-elements.
.. class:: center-child-elements
Hidden on the slide!
<Slide Content>
Sections and Subsections
Create a slide that marks the beginning of a new section or subsection by adding the class new-section or new-subsection to the slide.
Exercises and Solutions
Associate the class integrated-exercise with a slide to indicate that the slide contains an exercise.
Use the directive .. exercise:: to add an exercise. To add a solution use the custom directive .. solution:: inside of an exercise block and specify the password (optional) using the attribute :pwd:.
Example (Solution in supplemental information)
.. exercise:: <Title>
<Description of the exercise.>
.. solution:: <Title>
:pwd: 1234
You can configure a master-password using meta information:
.. meta::
:exercises-master-password: <Master-password>
Table of Contents
A navigable table of contents can be created using standard rst techniques.
Table of Contents
- `Section 1 Title`_
- `Subsection 1.1 Title`_
[#]_ and .. [#] create footnotes.
Test\ [#]_
.. [#] ``
Explicit Footers
A container with the class footer-left, footer-right or block-footer.
Use standard rst references.
Like described in [Eic24]_ ...
.. [Eic24] LectureDoc2; 2024
Copy to Clipboard
Add copy-to-clipboard to a code block to enable copying code to the clipboard.
.. code:: java
:class: copy-to-clipboard
public static void main(...)
Fade-out Content
Add the class faded-to-white to a container to whiten the content.
Supplemental Information
Use the directive supplemental for respective information.
.. supplemental::
Text Alignment
Control text alignment: text-align-[left|center|right]
Adding a drop-shadow and rounded corners: picture.
The layout can be adapted using: compact, compact-cells, no-table-borders, no-inner-borders, no-column-borders, fake-header[-2nd]-row and fake-header[-2nd]-column.
incremental (and wobble).
highlight-line-on-hover (always usable), highlight-on-hover (explicit column or row headers are not supported) or highlight-identical-cells
list-with-explanations renders text paragraphs of list items less pronounced.
(As shown here.)
Use impressive to make the list more impressive:
Add negative-list to use "❗️" for bullet points.
Add positive-list to use "✓" for bullet points.
- Point 1
.. class:: negative-list list-with-explanations
- Point 2
Some on-slide explanation.
.. class:: positive-list
- Point 3
line-above draws a horizontal lines.
box-shadow adds a shadow.
rounded-corners the corners will be rounded.
.. container:: margin-top-1em
Font Styling
"rem" based relative sizes: xxl, huge, large, small, footnotesize, scriptsize, tiny, x-tiny, xx-tiny
"em" based relative sizes: larger, smaller, far-smaller
Font weight: bold, light, thin
Font family: monospaced, serif
Font style: italic
Slide Transitions
Available slide transitions: transition-move-left, transition-scale, transition-fade, transition-move-to-top
.. class:: transition-move-left
<Slide Title>
Revealing Slide Content
All elements with the class incremental are revealed incrementally.
.. class:: incremental
- Item 1 - Part 1
:incremental:`Item 1 - Part 2`
- Item 2
Column-based Layouts
Use two-columns and three-columns for respective layouts.
.. container:: two-columns
.. container:: column no-separator
<Column 1>
.. container:: column
<Column 2>
Add no-default-width to the root container for content based column widths. Use class no-separator on the left column to remove the separator.
Stacked Layouts
Stacked layouts are based on nested layers. Each layer - except of the first one - needs to have the class incremental and/or the class overlay for transparent layers. (Up to 10 layers are supported.) To turn off the numbering of opaque layers use .no-number.
Images in Stacked Layouts
To avoid that a parent element of a floating element is collapsed add the class clearfix to the parent element; i. e., when a layer just contains a floating image.
.. stack::
.. layer:: clearfix
.. image:: <p1.svg>
:align: left
.. layer:: overlay
.. image:: <p2.svg>
.. layer:: incremental warning
Semantic-based Text Markup
minor: for less important text. obsolete: for obsolete statements. ger: to markup German Words. eng: to markup English words. ger-quote: Uses German quotation marks.
Box sizes
Use width-100% and width-75% to control the width of a container.
Colors (roles)
Font Colors
DHBW Colors: dhbw-red, dhbw-gray, dhbw-light-gray
DHBW Compatible Colors: the-blue, the-green, the-orange
Other: black, shiny-green, shiny-red, dark-red
Background Colors
DHBW Colors: dhbw-red-background, dhbw-gray-background, dhbw-light-gray-background
DHBW Compatible Colors: the-blue-background, the-green-background, the-yellow-background
Other: light-green-background, white-background
:dhbw-red:`Red Text.`
Fine-grained Control (Try to avoid!)
margin-none, margin-0-5em, margin-1em, margin-top-1em, margin-top-2em, margin-bottom-1em, margin-bottom-2em, margin-right-1em, margin-left-1em, padding-none, padding-0-5em, padding-1em, padding-top-1em, padding-top-2em
Hiding slides (⚠️ rst2ld only)
Use hide-slide to exempt it from slide generation.
.. class:: hide-slide
<Hidden Slide >
LectureDoc meta information:
id The unique identifier for the slide set. Required to store the current state of the presentation.
slide-dimensions the slides dimension (default: "1920x1200").
first-slide Determines the first slide that is shown (e.g., <Slide Number> or "last-viewed").
.. meta::
:id: <unique id>
:slide-dimensions: 2560x1440
:first-slide: last-viewed
Cheat Sheets with LD 2
A cheat-sheet is a slide with the class cheat-sheet-8-columns.
.. class:: cheat-sheet-8-columns
.. container:: cheat-sheet-block
.. rubric:: <TOPIC>
.. rubric:: <SUB-TOPIC>
Useful Role and Substitution Definitions
.. role:: incremental
.. role:: eng
.. role:: ger
.. role:: ger-quote
.. role:: minor
.. role:: obsolete
.. role:: dhbw-red
.. role:: dhbw-gray
.. role:: dhbw-light-gray
.. role:: the-blue
.. role:: the-green
.. role:: the-orange
.. role:: shiny-green
.. role:: shiny-red
.. role:: dark-red
.. role:: black
.. role:: raw-html(raw)
:format: html