A broad overview of distributed systems!
michael.eichberg@dhbw.de, Raum 149B
Supplemental material for interested students:
Centralized solutions do not scale
A distinction must be made between logical and physical centralization.
Centralized solutions have a single point of failure
Generally not true (e.g. DNS).
A single possible source of error is often...
easier to manage
easier to make more robust
Distributes systems are complex.
What architectures and "architectural styles" are there?
What kind of processes are there and what are their relationships?
What options are there for exchanging data?
How are the involved systems coordinated?
How do you identify resources?
What trade-offs need to be made in terms of data consistency, replication and performance?
How can operations be maintained even in the event of partial failures?
How can authorized access to resources be guaranteed?
Cloud-based shared storage and files
Peer-to-peer supported multimedia streaming
Shared email services (e.g. outsourced email systems)
Shared web hosting (e.g. content distribution networks)
The distribution transparency is realized by many different techniques of the so-called middleware - a layer between applications and operating systems.
Data access |
hide differences in data representation and the type of access to a local or remote object |
Location of data storage |
hide where an object is located |
Relocation |
hide that an object may be moved to another location while in use |
Migration |
hide that an object may be moved to another location |
Replication |
hide that an object is replicated |
Concurrency |
hide that an object may be shared by several independent users |
Fault transparency |
hide the failure and recovery of an object |
Datendarstellung: Big-Endian vs. Little-Endian; ASCII vs. Iso-Latin 8859-1 vs. UTF-8
However, a high level of distribution transparency can result in high costs.
There are communication latencies that cannot be hidden.
It is (theoretically and practically) impossible to completely hide network and node failures.
You cannot distinguish a slow computer from a failed computer.
You can never be sure that a server was actually performing an operation before it crashed.
"Complete transparency" costs performance and exposes the distribution of the system.
Keeping the replicas exactly on the same level as the master takes time
Write operations are immediately transferred to the hard drive for fault tolerance
Use of location-based services (E. g. to enable finding friends nearby.)
When dealing with users in different time zones
When it is easier for a user to understand what is going on
(E.g. if a server does not respond for a long time, it can be reported as down).
Open distributed systems must be able to interact with services of other (open) systems, regardless of the underlying environment:
they should implement well-defined interfaces correctly
they should be able to interact easily with other systems
they should support the portability of applications
they should be easily extensible
Authentication services are one example. They can be used by many different applications.
Policies vs. Mechanisms ≘ Vorgaben/Richtlinien vs. Umsetzungen
Policies when implementing openness
What level of consistency do we need for data in the client cache?
What operations do we allow downloaded code to perform?
Which QoS requirements do we adapt in the presence of fluctuating bandwidths?
What level of secrecy do we need for communication?
Mechanisms to support openness
Enabling the (dynamic) setting of caching policies
Support of different trust levels for mobile code
Provisioning of adjustable QoS parameters per data stream
Provisioning of various encryption algorithms
The hard coding of policies often simplifies administration and reduces the complexity of the system. However, it comes at the price of less flexibility.
Foundational security objectives
Information is only passed on to authorized parties.
Changes to the values of a system may only be made in an authorized manner.
Together with the third security objective: availability, these three protection objectives form the CIA triad of information security: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
Process for verifying the correctness of a claimed identity.
Does an identified unit have the correct access rights?
A component can be certain that another component will perform certain actions in accordance with expectations.
It is essentially about encrypting and decrypting data (X) with the help of keys.
E(K,X) means that we encrypt the message X with the key K.
D(K,X) denotes the inverse function that decrypts the data.
Symmetric Encryption
The encryption key is identical to the decryption key; the same key K is used for both operations.
X = D(K,E(K,X))
Asymmetric Encryption
We distinguish between private (PR) and public keys (PU) (PU \(\neq\) PR). A private and a public key always form a pair. The private key must always be kept secret.
Encrypting Messages
Alice sends a message to Bob using Bob's public key.
Signing Messages
Alice signs (\(S\)) a message with her private key.
A secure hash function Digest(X) returns a character string of fixed length (H).
Any change - no matter how small - to the input data results in a completely different character string.
With a hash value, it is mathematically impossible to find the original message X based on Digest(X).
Signing Messages
Alice signs a message X with her private key.
Bob checks the message X for authenticity:
Sicheres Hashing ≘ Secure Hashing
Encryption with Public-Private Keys/Asymmetric Encryption
If Alice sends Bob a message encrypted with Bob's public key, what security problem could arise?
We can distinguish at least three types of scalability:
Number of users or processes (size scalability)
Maximum distance between nodes (geographical scalability)
Number of administrative domains (administrative scalability)
Scalability in terms of size can often be achieved by using more and more powerful servers that are operated in parallel.
Geographical and administrative scalability is often a greater challenge.
A centralized service can be modelled as a simple queuing system:
The queue has an infinite capacity, i.e. the arrival rate of requests is not influenced by the current length of the queue or by what is currently being processed.
Arrival rate of requests:
\(\lambda\) (requests per second)
Processing capacity of the service:
\(\mu\) (requests per second)
Proportion of time with x requests in the system:
# Requests in process and in queue
For example, the proportion of time in which the computer is idle (i. e. \(p_0\)) is : 90 %, 60 % and 30 %.
U is the proportion of time in which a service is utilized:
Average number of requests:
Average throughput:
For an infinite geometric series with the quotient U applies:
Representation of the average number of requests in the system depending on the utilization U:
The response time is the total time taken to process a request
with \(S = \frac{1}{\mu}\) for the average service time.
If U is small, the response time is close to 1, i.e. a request is processed immediately.
If U increases to 1, the system comes to a standstill.
Many distributed systems assume synchronous client-server interactions and this prevents a transition from LAN to WAN. Latency times can be prohibitive if the client has to wait a long time for a request.
WAN connections are often unreliable by nature.
Various peer-to-peer networks [1] where end users collaborate rather than administrative units:
File sharing systems (e.g. based on BitTorrent)
Peer-to-peer telephony (early versions of Skype)
Hiding communication latencies through:
Use of asynchronous communication
Use of separate handlers for incoming responses
However, this model is not always applicable.
Partitioning of data and calculations across multiple computers.
Relocation of calculations to clients
Decentralized naming services (e.g. DNS)
Decentralized information systems (e.g. WWW)
Use of replication and caching to make copies of data available on different computers.
replicated file servers and databases
mirrored websites
Web caches (in browsers and proxies)
File caching (on server and client)
Multiple copies (cached or replicated) inevitably lead to inconsistencies. Changing one copy means that this copy differs from the others.
To achieve consistency, global synchronization is required for every change.
Global synchronization rules out solutions on a large scale.
The extent to which inconsistencies can be tolerated is application-specific. However, if these can be tolerated, then the need for global synchronization can be reduced.
Distributed high-performance computing began with parallel computing.
Distributed systems with shared memory (i. e. multi-computers with shared memory) as an alternative architecture did not fulfil the expectations and are therefore no longer relevant.
Solving fixed problems in the shortest possible time
Example: Booting a computer. To what extent can more CPUs/cores shorten the time?
It models the expected acceleration (speedup) of a partially parallelized/parallelizable program relative to the non-parallelized variant.
\(C\) = Number of CPUs
\(P\) = Degree of parallelisation in percent
\(S\) = Speedup
\(S(C) = \frac{1}{(1-P) + \frac{P}{C}}\)
Solving problems with (very) large, structurally repetitive data sets in fixed time; the serial part of the programme is assumed to be constant.
Create the weather forecast for the day after tomorrow within the next 24 hours. To what extent can the precision of the forecast be improved by using more CPUs/computers?
Number of CPUs
Degree of parallelisation as a function of the problem size n
Beschleunigung (Speedup) eines parallelisierten Programms relativ zu der nicht-parallelisierten Variante:
S(C) = 1 + P(n) · (C-1)
Let the degree of parallelization for a relevant problem size n be 80 %. This results in a speedup of (1 + 0.8 · 3) = 3.4 for 4 CPUs, a speedup of 6.6 for 8 CPUs and a speedup of 13 for 16 CPUs.
Compute Speedup
You are a pentester and you try to penetrate a system by attacking the passwords of the administrators. At the moment, you are using 2 graphics cards with 2048 compute units each. The serial part of the attack is 10 %. How high is the speedup you can expect, if you add two more comparable graphics cards with another 2048 compute units per GPU?
The attacks are highly parallelizable and effectively depend on the number of CUs. The graphics cards are able to accelerate the attacks effectively.
A component[2] provides services to its clients. For that, the component may in turn require services from other components and therefore the component is dependent on another component (depend).
A component C depends on \(C^*\) if the correctness of the behavior of \(C\) depends on the correctness of the behavior of \(C^*\).
Components are processes or channels.
Dependability ≘ Verlässlichkeit
Requirement |
Description |
Availability |
The system is usable. |
Reliability |
Continuity of correct service provision. |
Safety |
Low probability of a catastrophic event. |
Maintainability |
How easily can a failed system be recovered? |
Security ≘ Sicherheit
Safety ≘ Sicherheit
Safety refers to the safety of people and property, while Security refers to the security of data and information.
Reliability R(t) of the component C
Conditional probability that C worked correctly during \([0,t)\) if C worked correctly at time T = 0.
Traditional Metrics
Mean Time to Failure (MTTF):
The average time to failure of a component.
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR):
The average time it takes to repair a component.
Mean Time between Failures (MTBF):
How likely is it that a system will work correctly?
How likely is it that a system will be available at a given time?
If the MTTF of a component is 100 hours and the MTTR is 10 hours, then the MTBF is = MTTF + MTTR = 100 + 10 = 110 hours.
MapReduce is a programming model and a corresponding implementation (a framework originally developed by Google) for processing very large amounts of data (possibly TBytes).
Programs implemented with the help of MapReduce are automatically parallelized and executed on a large cluster of commodity hardware.
Responsibility of the runtime environment:
Partitioning the input data and distributing it to the computers in the cluster.
Scheduling and execution of the Map and Reduce functions on the computers of the cluster.
Error handling and communication between the computers.
Not all kinds of computations can be performed with the help of MapReduce.
Here it is the calculation of the frequency of words in a very large data set.
Another canonical example is the calculation of an inverted index. I. e., the mapping of words to the documents/webpages in which they occur.
Availability and Failure Probability
Consider a large distributed system consisting of 500 independent computers which fail independently of each other. On average, each computer is unavailable for twelve hours within two days.
Determine the intact probability of a single computer.
A data set is replicated on three computers for reasons of fault tolerance. What is its average availability when we try to access it?
On how many computers do you have to store this data set so that the average availability is 99.999%?
For how many minutes per year (with 365 days) is it not possible to read the data set, when we have an average availability of 99.999%?
A group of high-end systems connected via a LAN.
The individual computers/compute nodes are often identical (hardware and software) and are managed by a management node (management node).
Continuation of cluster computing.
Many heterogeneous nodes scattered over a wide area and across several organizations.
The nodes are connected via the WAN.
Collaboration takes place within the framework of a virtual organization.
Provides interfaces to local resources (for querying status and capabilities, locking, etc.)
Communication / transaction / authentication protocols, e.g. for transferring data between resources.
Manages a single resource, e.g. creating processes or reading data.
Manages access to multiple resources: discovery, scheduling and replication.
Contains actual grid applications in a single organisation.
Auffindung ≘ Discovery
Einplanung ≘ Scheduling
"The network is the computer." There is a database that is always accessible worldwide.
No dedicated clients and servers, each participant (peer) is both provider and customer.
Self-organising, without a central infrastructure (coordinator, database, directory of participants).
Each peer is autonomous and can be offline at any time, network addresses can change at will.
File-Sharing-Systems (in particular BitTorrent)
The peak of classic peer-to-peer systems was in the 2000s.
Advantages of P2P systems are: cheap, fault-tolerant, dynamic, self-configuring, immensely high storage capacity, high data access speed.
Problems of P2P systems are: start-up, poorly connected, low performance peers; free riders; copyright problems.
Cloud computing refers to the provision of computing power, storage and applications as a service. It is the continuation of grid computing.
Public Cloud (z. B. Amazon EC2, Google Apps, Microsoft Azure, …)
Private Cloud
Hybrid Cloud
(The private cloud is supplemented by a public cloud if required).
Virtual Private Cloud
Advantages of cloud computing: costs, up-to-dateness of data and services, no in-house infrastructure required, support for mobile participants
Problems of cloud computing: security and trust, loss of in-house expertise, handling of classified data.
One way out could be homomorphic encryption, which makes it possible to perform calculations on encrypted data.
Serverless Computing enables developers to create applications faster, as they no longer have to worry about managing the Infrastructure.
The cloud service provider automatically provides, scales and manages the infrastructure required to run the code.
Cold-boot latency
Time until the first code is executed can be longer, as the serverless functions are only instantiated when required.
Debugging and Monitoring
Traditional tools and methods can no longer be used.
The costs of serverless computing are difficult to predict and control.
Typical enterprise applications in companies are networked applications and establishing interoperability between these applications is a major challenge.
Basic Approach
Clients combine requests for (different) applications, send them, collect the responses and present a coherent result to the user.
Modern Approach
Direct communication between applications leads to the integration of enterprise applications (Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)).
A networked application is an application that runs on a server and makes its services available to remote clients.
„All or nothing.“
Primitive |
Description |
Indicates the start of a transaction. |
Completes the transaction with an attempt to COMMIT. |
terminate the transaction and restore the old status. |
Reading data from (e.g.) a file or a table. |
Writing data (e.g.) to a file or a table. |
happens inseparably (seemingly)
no violation of system invariants
no mutual influence
after a commit, the changes are permanent
The data required for a transaction is often distributed across several servers.
A TPM is responsible for coordinating the execution of a transaction.
When you implement microservices, the use of TPMs and 2PC for the purpose of coordinating business processes is often not the first choice.
Nevertheless, distributed transactions are an important part of distributed systems and Google, for example, has developed Spanner, a solution that enables transactions on a global scale (Global Consistency). (https://cloud.google.com/spanner?hl=en and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKQhPwbzzxU).
Middleware enables communication between applications.
Requests are sent via a local procedure call, packaged as a message, processed, answered by a message and the result is then the return value of the procedure call.
Messages are sent (i. e. published) to a logical contact point (i. e. message broker) and forwarded to applications that subscribe to these messages.
Technically simple, but not flexible:
Determine the file format and layout
Regulate file management
Passing on updates and update notifications
Way more flexible, but still requires a common data schema in addition to the risk of a bottleneck.
Effective when execution of a series of actions is required.
Enables temporal and spatial decoupling compared to RPCs.
Distributed Pervasive/Ubiquitous Systems ≘ verteilte, allgegenwärtige/alles durchdringende Systeme
Modern distributed systems are characterised by the fact that the nodes are small, mobile and often embedded in a larger system. The system embeds itself naturally in the user's environment. Networking is wireless.
Three (overlapping) subtypes
ubiquitous and always present; i. e. there is constant interaction between the system and the user.
ubiquitous; the focus is on the fact that devices are inherently mobile.
ubiquitous; focus is on actual (collaborative) sensing and actuation.
The devices are networked, distributed and accessible without barriers.
The interaction between users and devices is highly unobtrusive.
the system knows the user's context in order to optimize the interaction.
The devices work autonomously, without human intervention, and manage themselves independently to a high degree.
The system as a whole can handle a wide range of dynamic actions and interactions.
A variety of different mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, GPS devices, remote controls, active ID cards).
Mobile means that the location of a device can change over time. This can, e. g., have an impact on local services or accessibility.
Maintaining stable communication can lead to serious problems.
The current status is that mobile devices establish connections to stationary servers, making them in principle clients of cloud-based services.
The nodes to which sensors are attached:
simple (low memory / computing / communication capacity)
often battery-operated (or even battery-free)
Many distributed systems are unnecessarily complex due to incorrect assumptions and architectural and design errors that have to be rectified later.
Incorrect (and often hidden) assumptions
The network is reliable
The network is secure
The network is homogeneous
The topology does not change
The latency is zero
The bandwidth is infinite
The transport costs are zero
There is only one administrator